The third edition of the My Current program – one of the most popular solutions supporting investments in photovoltaic panels – started yesterday. What does it mean for the market?

The basic principle – i.e. SUPPORT FOR INSTALLATIONS OF 2 TO 10 kW – has remained unchanged. However, the conditions of the program are slightly different now, for example in terms of the amount of the subsidy.

Currently a prosumer MAY RECEIVE a maximum of 3000 PLN, but not more than 50% of eligible costs. This is 2000 PLN less than in the previous editions of the program.

The subsidy is granted to installations not completed before February 1, 2020.

At the same time, the authors of the project offer higher support for the construction of energy storage facilities – from 25% to 50% of the installation costs.

The Ministry of Climate explains the lower level of subsidies for photovoltaic installations by lowering PV panel prices, assuming that the rising energy costs and the possibility of taking advantage of other preferences will not affect the profitability of the investment.

It should also be noted that due to the announced changes in the system of discounts, regardless of the level of support, we may expect a real exodus of new installations.