In fact, it is obvious that public entities – especially local governments – strongly prefer realization of investments using the EU subsidies rather than PPP. HOWEVER, IT IS SUPPOSED TO CHANGE THROUGH THE INTRODUCTION OF THE OBLIGATION TO REALIZE A PART OF INVESTMENTS IN THIS FORMULA.

Unfortunately, in the Polish realities, partnership is used practically marginally, simply losing out to the EU funds. At the same time it should be remembered that already now there are possibilities of combining co-financing of investments from Community grants with partnership.

Admittedly, the HYBRID PPP formula – as it is being referred to – is demanding in many respects and means, above all, greater effort on the part of the public entity at the stage of investment preparation, although USING IT CAN GIVE VERY GOOD RESULTS.

In addition, according to the government’s announcements, HYBRID PPP may become obligatory in some cases.

The plan is to specify in the Regional Operational Programs segments of the TASKS that could be implemented only under the Public-Private Partnership mode, assuming that the public partner will be able to finance its own contribution from grants.