As part of the implementation of the National Recovery Plan, familiar ideas of changes in planning and zoning are returning. WILL THEY BE IMPLEMENTED THIS TIME?

According to the assumptions, the issuance of decisions on conditions of development is to be liquidated, studies of conditions and directions of spatial development are to be replaced with a general plan of a municipality, and moreover, a completely new institution is to be introduced: an integrated investment project.

In addition, it assumes introduction of a completely new institution: an integrated investment project. In fact, well-known problems recur, first of all, in the field of EFFECTS OF THE DECLARATION OF BUILDING CONDITIONS.

There is no doubt that currently it is a BASIC TOOL FOR PLANNING POLICY. Hence, there is virtually no possibility of its simple liquidation, especially without taking into account the time needed by local governments to prepare new acts of planning and spatial development.

In this area, the BASIC PROBLEM STILL IS FUNDING. Adopting a study – and especially a plan – is a difficult, time-consuming and expensive undertaking.

Meanwhile, LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENTS PREFER TO ALLOCATE THEIR RESOURCES FOR OTHER PURPOSES, so without the resources to implement the ideas discussed here, their implementation will be very difficult.