On 1 January 2019, the law transforming the right of perpetual usufruct of land developed for residential purposes into its ownership came into force. According to the Law.pl portal, the legislator intends to complete the conversion process.

Indeed, for over two years now, this process has been causing many difficulties, both for administrative authorities, land and mortgage registry courts, housing cooperatives and communities, and for the residents themselves. This is evidenced by the fact that there have been several amendments to the Conversion of Ownership Units Act and a number of various interpretations issued with regard to the Act.

Meanwhile, we are still faced with a situation in many places where UNDER sidewalks, roads, or playgrounds, there has been NO EASEMENT – a consequence of flawed legislation.

The legislature intends to correct this error by amending the transformation act so that it will also apply to land developed only with this type of infrastructure.