A few months ago the government announced a revolution in settling accounts of prosumers. Meanwhile, it is still unclear whether these changes will come into force – and if so, in what form.

According to the media, the relevant DRAFT LEGISLATIVE AMENDMENTS MAY BE PROCEEDED IN THE PARLAMENT very soon.

The main problem, however, is that the new system is to come into force as early as in the New Year, which, given the time needed for the legislative process, means that PROSUMENTS CAN EXPECT A REVOLUTION OVERNIGHT.

Moreover, analysing the changes proposed so far, it is hard to doubt that those who produce energy from photovoltaic panels will simply lose out. However, the question of HOW LARGE THESE LOSSES WILL BE is still open.

This is all the more reason why the legislator should  adopt a relatively long transition period. So far, the government has only announced postponement of the effective date of the amendment due to delays in the legislative process.