On February 2, the Government adopted a resolution on Poland’s energy strategy until 2040. There is no doubt that its implementation will require implementation of BIG INVESTMENTS IN RENEWABLE ENERGY.
The strategy is based on three basic assumptions: equitable transformation, ZEROEMISSION ENERGY SYSTEM and good air quality.
It is assumed that by 2030 the share of RES in gross final energy consumption will be at least 23%, and the capacity of installed wind farms will reach approximately 5.9 GW (a decade later, this indicator is to increase to approximately 11 GW).
According to the assumptions, by 2040 all households are to be heated by district heating and zero- or low-emission individual sources.
This, in turn, means that in the coming years we can expect major investments in renewable energy sources – both in terms of further development of “domestic” installations and INFRASTRUCTURE NEEDED FOR SYSTEMIC TRANSFORMATION.